I am sick. It's all in my head, except when it's in my body. I always secretly think I am pregnant. The fundamental difference between Hypopregnia and Hypochondria is that if you were to ask a hypochondriac whether they wanted to be sick, they would say no. However, I want to be pregnant. I have ever since I got married 4 1/2 years ago. I was once. I now have a beautiful 13 month old daughter. But it hasn't cured me. Maybe the second will cure me. Or the 4th or 5th. Or the 19th. Who knows.
A woman's body is such a strange and unknowable creature. I try really hard to not care, or not think about it, but every thing I ever notice or feel or think I feel I can some how tie to the one torrent of thought ever-flooding through my mind--maybe I'm pregnant. Actually I probably am. Really, secretly I think I probably must be.
Thankfullly I am not a consumptive hypopregniac. I still function as an in all other ways normal and contributing member of society. I do not lie in bed all day crying or fearing or hoping. Although I will admit to lying in bed for 5-10 minutes of every day poring over the chart of my basal body temperatures and other feminine fertility signals to determine the spin I must put on it to twist it into evidence of a current pregnancy.
Pretty much the only time I really and truely and honestly believe I was not pregnant is when I ovulate--because if I just did, that means that I wasn't before. But it also means that I probably am now, what, like 36 hours along in my current prengnancy?
Well, believe it or not, sleep is more pressing on me right now than continuing my expostulations on mental pregnancy.
Until again...Adieu
How To Get Rid of Plantar Warts on Children
7 years ago
Don't worry you're not the only hypopregniac in the world... or in the house...
Having a week old daughter, I think I'm actually not a hypopregniac currently, but normally I totally understand where you're coming from. I recently read a blog where a lot of Mormon women were talking about how they only wanted about three children, and that was enough, what with finances, and pregnancies, etc. I was in shock; I want as many as I have (which of course isn't to say that will be a specific number; you certainly know that you can't just decide to have more children or be pregnant, hence the point of this blog), which I hope is a lot.
Avram and I were looking at Elisheva, and she was so sweet and little and I just wanted more of them.
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