This 'blog will contain words like ovulation and cirvical fluid, as well as graphic descriptions of female bodily processes, if I feel like sharing any. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back, with a vengence

Saturday I got carsick for no good reason, and it did not go away for at least an hour, then was inexplicably nausious for another hour in the evening. I am getting fatter and I am not eating unhealthier or excercising less. I am soooo tired lately I have actually been taking naps during the day. Rhys doesn't seem to be getting as much milk as easily in general and is mostly fussy, even when he is nursing. I am forgetful and clumsy (OK, but those not actually more than usual). And the clincher--my fingernails are inexplicably strong and healthy and my hair does not come out in handfuls in the shower.

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