This 'blog will contain words like ovulation and cirvical fluid, as well as graphic descriptions of female bodily processes, if I feel like sharing any. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pregnancy: Day -14 (or -30, or -125, who knows?)

With the help of a nasty viral infection, I determined it was time to entirely wean Rhys. This is an exciting point, because no nursing baby means most likely starting another baby soon. It has been at least a week and a half since then and I have no idea when my cycle will start up again. But I do know that I would make a great wet nurse. I thought maybe since I had weaned Rhys so gradually, I might dry up without ever getting over-full. He had been nursing only once a day for the last couple of weeks before I stopped completely. So I wasn't suprised that I didn't notice much of a change in my breasts over the first week after stopping. I was already significantly deflated, so I didn't figure I had very far to go there. I have just been waiting every day for my period to start again. After Willow, it was within 2 days of not nursing her that my period started--twice (I took a short nursing break at one point)--so I was really suprised that there has been nothing. And then about a week later, I realized that my body is still in nursing mode, because I finally started leaking milk. Apparently, with how little Rhys had been demanding, my production was so low that it took a whole week just to get full. I guess my body is incapable of lactation and menstruation at the same time. I really shouldn't complain. This will be very helpful, I'm sure. But why does my body still think it needs to be lactating? It's not doing anyone any good right now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Am Not Alone In This

Kevin: You haven't breastfed in, like, a week.... That means you're at least 7 months along, right?
Me: Yeah, because I actually breastfed this morning.
Kevin: This morning was a week ago. (In his defence, it has been a long day.) You're 7 months along.

This was out of the blue. I hadn't brought up the topic. I love my husband and how he has allowed himself to be corrupted by my neruosis.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Other Hypopregniac

I tried to make Neoma write a post for my blog, but she wouldn't. She is in the full throes of Hypopregnia right now. She came downstairs to tell me all about her recent bout. How she almost took a pregnancy test, how she discusses it with her husband. I was honestly a little bit jealous. But I'm not pregnant. And just knowing that makes me sigh. Someday, someday I'll be there again. In the mean time, call Neoma if you want to hear some good stories.