This 'blog will contain words like ovulation and cirvical fluid, as well as graphic descriptions of female bodily processes, if I feel like sharing any. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pregnancy: Day -14 (or -30, or -125, who knows?)

With the help of a nasty viral infection, I determined it was time to entirely wean Rhys. This is an exciting point, because no nursing baby means most likely starting another baby soon. It has been at least a week and a half since then and I have no idea when my cycle will start up again. But I do know that I would make a great wet nurse. I thought maybe since I had weaned Rhys so gradually, I might dry up without ever getting over-full. He had been nursing only once a day for the last couple of weeks before I stopped completely. So I wasn't suprised that I didn't notice much of a change in my breasts over the first week after stopping. I was already significantly deflated, so I didn't figure I had very far to go there. I have just been waiting every day for my period to start again. After Willow, it was within 2 days of not nursing her that my period started--twice (I took a short nursing break at one point)--so I was really suprised that there has been nothing. And then about a week later, I realized that my body is still in nursing mode, because I finally started leaking milk. Apparently, with how little Rhys had been demanding, my production was so low that it took a whole week just to get full. I guess my body is incapable of lactation and menstruation at the same time. I really shouldn't complain. This will be very helpful, I'm sure. But why does my body still think it needs to be lactating? It's not doing anyone any good right now.

1 comment:

Delilah Gearhart said...

Your posts always enlighten me... I do love you. :)