This 'blog will contain words like ovulation and cirvical fluid, as well as graphic descriptions of female bodily processes, if I feel like sharing any. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Maybe not Pregnant for a Long Time

No, we're not doing anything different, we're just not pregnant. Mostly I just wanted to mention a weird quirk of my body recently--I have been getting morning sickness every time I ovulate since December. Whether Kevin is in town or not. It is annoying, and weird, and silly. But I'm learning to anticipate it, and it does make it easier to know for sure when I ovulated, especially since my cycles have been increasingly irregular this year. Which has worked out to make is so Kevin is not home most of the times I ovulate. I am confident that our family will grow at exactly Heavenly Father's ideal rate. It seems very strange to be so settled and satisfied in not having another baby. I still have baby hunger, and I yearn to be a nursing mother again, but I'm OK. :) Whatever God's plan for us, I'm certain that I will not get pregnant before He wants me to, so maybe it will still be a while yet.

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