This post is just a secret reward for those of you who read this blog--you get to be the first to know. Sh. I want to give it a few days to see who will find out from this before we announce it. So don't tell anyone, just leave me a comment and I will know you know. Don't worry, I won't last long not telling. We're looking at a December baby. I just couldn't let 2013 go by with another baby for Neoma and not me.
Some details, because I know you want them:
Last Friday, 11 days post ovulation, my temperature had dipped. I don't know if the disrupted sleep I had the night before had contributed to that, or if it was just a thing that happened on its own, but because the timing was right for my periods to start, I was anticipating spotting or bleeding all day. I even had another crazy emotional episode that day where I started bawling for no good reason (see the previous post). I explained it away to the sisters I was in the car with (we were on our annual sister's retreat), but I mis-remembered the timing of the last episode--I thought it had happened just before my last period started and that this was going to be a new, horrible PMS trend for me, similar to ovulation nausea over the last few years. But then the next day, my temperature was back up. I compulsively checked my cervical fluid multiple times a day for the next couple of days, searching it for the streaks of red that would herald menses. My period starts anywhere from 10 to 13 days after ovulation, and I have, occasionally and inexplicably, had my temperature remain high for a couple of days into the start of my period. But this time there was never any red. And the temperature stayed high. It's now day 16, and because that's 3 days longer than any luteal phase I have ever had, it's official--I'm pregnant!
Hee, hee.
PS--No, I won't be taking a pregnancy test. For my opinion on those, please see I did it, and it didn't help! and This is a little big absurd.
PS2--This morning I was far hungrier than what I ate last night should warrant. And the thought of eating anything too sweet or too not sweet made me sick. And I had to eat some fruit. Hee, hee.
comment. Hee Hee.
Woo! yay! :-.)
So exciting! (And I didn't check again for a long time, and so I missed this until you said something on facebook, boo on me :() You know, I get crazy emotional when I'm newly pregnant. It's funny to look back on (thinking of your last post.)
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