This 'blog will contain words like ovulation and cirvical fluid, as well as graphic descriptions of female bodily processes, if I feel like sharing any. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I did it, and it didn't help!

OK, today is day 13 high temp. This really should mean I am pregnant. I have never had a luteal phase last more than 12 days (except when I was pregnant. Is your entire pregnancy considered a luteal phase?). Once I had a high temp on day 13, but menstruation had started on day 12, and I'd actually had a little bit of spotting on day 11, my temp just didnt go down until day 14. So I have never been here before without being pregnant.
I'm pretty sure I must be pregnant, but then I had to go and break all my rules, even the one I made just last night in anticipation of this situation when I said I am not allowed to take a pregnancy test today. I took one. It was wrong.

This is my justification. I always have one. My sister, also a suffering hypopregniac, bought a whole box of, like, 4 pregnancy tests. Not a one has been used yet, or maybe just one, but they all expire in 2 months. So they have to be used up. If I waited until I knew for positive that I was pregnant, I wouldn't need to take one. But if I take one now, when I just know, but don't know for positive, then it could tell me for positive and I could tell everyone that I am pregnant. But the pregnancy test was wrong and said I wasn't pregnant. So I'm back to just knowing.

OK, I know that pregnancy tests don't usually give false negatives, but they can. And just because technically every negative I've ever had so far has been true, even if I believed it was false at the time, that doesn't mean that this one isn't false. Because I AM AT MY 13TH DAY OF A HIGH TEMPERATURE!!! And I had to go and ruin it by taking a test that said negative. If I didn't take the test, i would have absolutely no reason to believe I was not pregnant and every reason to believe that I was. I have real, hard evidence of high temperatures, but I had to go and break every rule again and mess things up especially my own mind. *sigh*

OK, here is another justification for not believing the test: When I was actually pregnant, I took a test at about day 18. The second pink line (the one that indicates that you are pregnant) was so faint that I missed it the first time I looked. So my theory is that I simply have comparatively low levels of the pregnancy hormone for which it tests. And being even earlier in my pregnancy, perhaps the level is still too low to register. They say you can't take a test too early or it is very likely to be inaccurate. The newest tests say that you can take them 1 or 2 or up to 5 days before your expected period. Well, this is just the same day as my expected period, and if the levels that I have are already low anyway, maybe it's the same for me as a normal person would be about a week before their expected period. So it didn't work.

This is my question about this "improved feature" of pregnancy tests--that you can take them up to 5 days before your expected period: Why in the world would you take a pregnancy test when you hadn't even missed the start of your period yet? Even I, rulebreaker extrodinaire, waited until my period should have started. Man, don't they have any patience?

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